

hyper 掌門人

Must got to admit I am out of touch with this world, the comment from 麻甩陀地 get me to see that it is me looking for the wrong thing from a wrong place. (That's perhaps why the paper like Karl more than Jaspar?)

The logic in the comment reminds me the sentence in Hirschhorn installation.
The critical without true critique is nothing but cynical. Only by hyper is critique possible?



nothing irony

Earlier, when Leung Po is drafting that statement against ADC criticism website, she listed a number of magazines to try and get the market rate for writing, I saw at least one of them left blank, that was Yishu, am I as a recent contributor supposed to fill it in? I then thought. Finally I got the answer recently from a Yishu editor, they are prepared to pay


just complimentary issues. I told Leung Po about this, but she didn't seem surprised, they claim that they are an academical journal, she said. But I thought all these are really serious issues, especially if one is openly demanding something. Does this for example meant we have great prospects, or let ADC off the hook, if ADC decided to launch an academic journal instead, just like the annual year book? What's the matter with this profession, as someone calls it?

btw, I just brought the white text 03, but so much texts I seemed to have read elsewhere, I am beginning to hate this spending decision. Should I write for them too so I could just get a complimentary copy? PS deadline again seems to defer and defer, and editor is even offering me time to write another piece, just because it has already turn into a special issue and no more a periodical? As an author, I do like to see the writing comes out asap, when the context is still right. Also, as an author, I certainly do not like to see one's own different writings appearing in one same issue.
Why is Documenta 12 magazine platform holding its forum here? what an irony!


nihilistic standard

saw this editor's bit in the bc magzine, a bit shock they are so irresponsible and mean:

On another matter, wasn’t it lovely to see the great and talentless of the local entertainment industry bonding to complain about something meaningful – sadly it wasn’t about the imprisonment of a blind journalist in China, nor was it about pollution, global hunger… nor even about piracy. It was about a flash of bra strap and some back-stage photos. Voyeuristic probably, and out of order if the pictures were of a member of the public, but Gillian Chung of pop duo Twins is not any old joe shmo, she’s a ‘celebrity,’ an actress and singer who has used the media to fuel her ascent to superstardom, riches and the glamorous lifestyle she now enjoys. The hypocrisy of her position and her inane comment about the effect of the pictures on her young fans thus have no need of comment. Gillian, if I may be so informal, without the mass-market magazines and the paparazzi you would probably still be just another office girl. I suspect that as Gillian (massive publicity), Easy Finder (increased sales) and other local media (again increased sales) all benefited from the photos, so expect to see more voyeuristic exposés conveniently timed to coincide with said artist’s new film, album, tour etc. Now if only they could find something worthwhile to complain about, or make better use of the time by learning to sing.

or am I being hypocritical too?



Watching the world goes round

just able to watch the last 15 minutes of the Libeskind last night, forgot about it for occupied in cooking a pretty satisfying meal last night.
Forgot about the film on William Eggleston earlier too. anyone saw it?

Tonight is Marina Abramovic's talk, at APA from 800 to 930. Saw her renacting Beuys' work at Guggenheim, one of her seven easy piece series, and but feel nothing of interest out of it or most of her previous works.

Shen Wei, as I have once put it, the most talked about Chinese-American choreographer, is coming to town too. I meet this former Guangdong Modern Dance Company dancer and saw his work at the ADF dance criticism arts journalism insitute, but still not persuaded by all the praises that he has recieved. Instead of writing a review after the show, I wrote a preview imagining a Hong Kong context as homework, having the sense that this sort of East meet West, high profile stuffs will soon be coming to here. Shortly after I am back, not to my surprise (but surprise about my sixth sense), I found the New Vision Festival has really bring him here. But some say the rite of spring his company will perform here is his best work so far, so let us see.


increase arts coverage, but how?

The situation of arts journalism in US is no better than HK,
wanna have a good editor, those days are gone.
Village Voice Dismisses 8, Including Senior Arts Editors (1/9/2006)




我一點也不介意承認,我post的去他者的文中,是刻意偷換了在洪清田那裡香港學台灣學跟大陸學,中國學的平等位置, 原因在於前者的現代性的判準.後者成學,卻可說是它的蠻理.




amidst the soundbites

brought a sunday morning post for its soundbites column, nothing much interest anywhere in the paper, only find ATV world thurs at 8pm will have a program on Daniel Libeskind. Learn about him long ago, when he exhibited his reading machine etc. in venice biennale, but seems the berlin jewish museum being his peak. I only like one idea of ground zero site, that there is one point there where sunlight will stroke at the specific memorial moment.



all the books shipped from the US finally arrived.
the first that I gave away is this Museum Inc. booklet, belonging to the same paradigm series as Elkins' What happened to Art Criticism?
I presented this to lmp for she is writing a paper on Guggenheim Going Global, hope she could get something out of this little book, I read the few chapters in the beginning, but the author wrote in a very conversation or joking style, it seems hard for me to grasp at times what he is really talking about. if talking behind someone's back is really fun for somebody, I guess this Paul Werner, being a helper to Thomas Krens Guggenheim's director, certainly enjoys it much too. But when the media is all positive to projects like Bilbao (or Echigo-Trumari locally everywhere now), how could you got yr skeptical message of them across anyhow?














從學者周蕾的文化研究、後殖民理論中抽取了「Para/Site」概念作為名字的「藝術空間」,近年不著轉型,在展出於美國因其政治運動分子身份而急速竄紅的香港出生美國紐約藝術家陳沛之(Paul Chan)個展之後,下月又將是另一珠江三角洲為藍的展覽。同期的藝術公社展覽,說是湊巧或其實也不是什麼的意外巧合,則正是一個香港廣州澳門的雕塑交流展。這種的策展路線現象,使我想到周蕾在其剛出版的新著The Age of the World Target中,對於地區(譬若亞太)研究如何植根於美國的冷戰思維,後結構理論的自我解構,實無助於他者逃出被他者化。本文從政治到文化到藝術來舖陳「零座標的疆域」,或者正是一次對於被持續邊緣化的經驗的反動導引,好讓展覽能夠反過來,真正的從兩地本土的文本主體性出發,把被邊緣的座標重撥成「零度」。展覽觸動的互為主體性,就是鏡照港台兩地的藝術家的同位和差異性格的那介面。至於兩種方向的詮釋並存,大概則正是藝術想像與政治現實之間張力的一種見證。

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