

4th power?

Habermas: How to save the quality press?
how is there anything to prevent the harmful effect of the market,
if we are the market as such? I see dim future here, there, anywhere.



a familiar sigh?

a page from the City magazine in the 70s.
a different pic is uploaded for the hkah blog. same sigh.



PC Phenonmena

談到Martha Rosler,忘了手頭有本書,幾似魂游搞的藝術家對話,而MR的對話另一方,正是PC.PC何許人?咩就係那個...



Beuys Block, 2012?

For those who is going to visit Europe, do see if you could spare time and visit the Beuys Block at Darmstadt (very closeby to Frankfurt AM).
The future state of this best intact Beuys work complex is always a bit uncertain, and now owe to the renovation of the museum, it might very probably be closed from late September 2007 till 2011 !!!




a twist of mind



For the moment, I am planning to go to Europe, mainly for the documenta, which so far I only know of Ai Wei Wei's project and a Thai artist growing rice in Kassel's garden, quite scarely this could be a disappointing visit.
pls notify me if you spot something interesting going on, VB and MSP, I however tend not to go.

just recieved an email on: Martha Rosler Library
June 2 - August 31, 2007 http://www.unitednationsplaza.org

which reminds me of the peculiar paragraph in Art Since 1900 (that must read book!!!) which strangely argued that the trouble with a particular understanding of political art might be that there were too little artists examples available, which their list of examples included Courbet, Daumier in 19th c, Kollwitz and Heartfield in early 20th c, then Rosler, Haacke and Sekula in the 2nd half of it.


the slominski effect

my afternoon photos, titled after Collier Schorr's article in Slominski's Deutsche Guggenheim catalogue




this discussion of HK political situation seemed to be the most clear vision of the present situation, which to me is of course a horrible direction, and leading to a dissolution of the political.


A passing moment

Been to Osage today for the third time, this time finally alone. Came up with one theme that could cover the show, or more superficially towards the works:

Freezing the moment.

Freezing the moment could also be a representational picture. This led to the other underlying theme, which could interpret the exhibition title Inside Looking Out nicely as a contrast of the disclosure on the their self-image as artist (or not) as shown in Machi's work and their artists' self-presentation in their works. (hence an inside / out) This could be somehwat representational, something however that Thompson seemed to have missed in his ambitious essay to characterize the show as representational of the fotanian.

One strangeness of the Inside / Out inevitably also has to be the move from Fotan (N.T.) industrial building to Kwun Tong (Downtown?) industrial building. Perhaps the cruical difference is not the presenter (Studio /Gallery), but who is yr neighbourer (I meant the Chinese Whispers)?



超搞笑 勁低能

一級 12票
二級 10票
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周多間一口氣重讀完過去散讀的de Duve的Look!
這真是一本難得情理兼備的藝術(愛/好)書.(本來借了本Peter Psic的Abel's Proof的普及數學書,可惜文筆實在無味,題材多有趣也是看不上癮.)
同時間,另插讀了documenta magazine中R.M.Buergel的文章,
跟macba一小書中一篇論Gerhard Richter的文章.



um heistiges Leben und gesitigen Tod

最近多番些許看書,昨晚續讀R.Bruzina的Edmund Husserl & Eugen Fink,雖然書序說過不多談政治,但還是讀到那個投向納粹的海德格爾而一次又一次幹出令人心痛的勾當情節.對於胡塞爾而言:
Husserl speaks of the effect Heidegger's role in all this was having upon him as "the last and the worst" in this whole situation of the bleakest kind of personal experience, "the worst because I had put my trust not only on his ability but on his character - which I still just cannot understand."



a drop

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