


周多間一口氣重讀完過去散讀的de Duve的Look!
這真是一本難得情理兼備的藝術(愛/好)書.(本來借了本Peter Psic的Abel's Proof的普及數學書,可惜文筆實在無味,題材多有趣也是看不上癮.)
同時間,另插讀了documenta magazine中R.M.Buergel的文章,
跟macba一小書中一篇論Gerhard Richter的文章.

Would be interested to see how you read Lee Kit.
firstly, I have to state that I have already written twice on Lee Kit in PS, and also some hinting reference over his work in the singapore exchange photo/text commentary, in case not everyone knew.
So I must say I am pretty bored by what has been discussed in the talk the other day, which I thought I did cover pretty much the cruical theoretical points. Jeff asked whether exhibition presentation is really so vital for Lee Kit, to me, has perhaps more twisted relation to the question that wo drived on over Lee's recent years gd exposure. that I must have missed, as the one show is in GZ(?) plus the one at 1a while I am aWay? Otherwise, I feel Lee Kit could do anyway he wanted with exhibition without much differences (I hence meant it is less an artist's side clear (n necessary) decision), at least till Osage show. But such practicalities (wo is after) is some aspects that everyone might know I am not much interested in, while how one chose to play along in the scene is often beyond theory.
In my observation, works in Osage might have more novelty elements, more significantly must be his postcard work too.
What I will ask, so strange you guys like to know, maybe the way I write to disclose and yet not disclose? that's however will be the way it remains. Nothing big deal, just questions that hope I could knew more about this person, much as Machi's film nicely done.

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