

mMK~HK posthistorical (love) affair

Wow! check this out.
Boris Groys has written on Wong Kar Wai 2046. See how he decoded it as metaphor of HK (afterall, an island is an island!!!) at
I used the http://babelfish.altavista.com/ to have it translated, though far from perfect (liebschaften, sort of "love affair" remains untranslated), it already shows the sharpness of Groys' insight into whatever things he touches upon.
I love best other than his HK as islander observation (which match so much with "mainlander" in his German original version), his line that of memory (and also the film audience, suppose to have seen Wong's films In the Mood for Love) vs the "unfortunate" woman, who "obviously" did not have the chance to see/understand it. {Dabei kann der Held allerdings mit dem Einverständnis der Zuschauer rechnen, denn sie haben "In the Mood for Love" gesehen - im Unterschied zu den unglücklichen Frauen, die diesen Film offensichtlich nicht gesehen haben.}

btw, if you could understand German, this link should definitely not to be missed: http://groys.hfg-karlsruhe.de/

Wing Shya is the first HK artist exhibiting in Mori Art Museum. The show seems including quite a large amount of movie stills from Wong Kar-Wai's. What do you think about it?

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