



From the response to the universal suffrage question, our Chief Exeutive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen has again wasted the precious opportunity to prove his commitment to take the polity forward towards further democracy, which also meant really an abandoning of his constitutional duty. Again, the government is taking a path off track, instead of coming up with a proposal which could satisfy the legislature with the people's mandate, the government allows the initiatives fall into an appointed committee with no legitimacy in representing the view of Hong Kong people.

The same case might very well happen to the West Kowloon project. A project which is so influential (detrimental in my opinion, from better than none to positive for PPWK) to the local arts ecology and community, will very likely be winding around the Legislature. When do you see our Sports, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication functional constituency representative Timothy FOK Tsun-ting speak up against such a move by the government? Has he ever consult our opinions or voice our concern? How is his stance if the government insist to push forward the West Kowloon Project neglecting the legislature committee's view and its two reports on this matter? As he is one of the member of the Legislature Subcommittee on West Kowloon Cultural District Development, should we expect him to support the way to handle the West Kowloon Project as the report suggested?

I think we should really start submit Timothy Fok our views, exerting more pressure and keep a close monitor on him. If he has done anything or voted against our submitted views, then this could be used in the coming election campiagn and help people decide whether to vote for him or not. (Otherwise, he might say we haven't air our views before.)


霍震霆議員 Timothy FOK Tsun-ting
Room 607, Citibank Tower3 Garden RoadCentral
辦事處傳真 Office fax : 2537 6662
傳呼機 Pager : 7770 0717
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