


強烈要求羅范椒芬立即就其非人性言論道歉, 以及就教改施行模式與步伐和對前線所給予的支援之嚴重失衡而自行請辭!
A Strong Demand for an Immediate Apology from Mrs Fanny Law, for her unfair and inhuman speech over the teachers' suicide cases,
as well as resignation, for the lack of sufficient support to the frontline teachers in the pushy implementation of the Educational Reform.

In her response to reporters (9/1/2006) as broadcasted in cable TV, Mrs Fanny Law, Vice-Chairman of Education Comission, Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower, wickedly tried to defend herself and shake off any responsibility over the death of the two teachers, by refusing to admit their causes having anything to do with the Educational Reform, saying that:if they are so caused, since there are so many schools having their educational reform underway, shouldn't there be more than two cases of suicide?

這樣的話也竟然可以講出口,真是沒有良心.除了對於死了的不公,更彷彿要有更多人死俾佢睇至會識驚,這種急急卸責的言論心態,真是豈有豈有此理! (請廣傳,並將你的投訴以電郵傳送至educom@emb.gov.hk,傳真:2537 4591或函寄教育統籌委員會秘書處 香港灣仔皇后大道東213號胡忠大廈11樓1101 室,齊齊救救我們的前線老師.)
Please spread this outrageous news to all who cares about our frontline teachers, or simply human lives. And don't forget to write your complaint to Education Commission via email to educom@emb.gov.hk or fax to 2537 4591, or by writing to Education Commission Secretariat, Room 1101, 11/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.


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