

in-between GENERATIONS

Edwin Lai in the handover/talkover talk mentioned that he disagrees with some of Lui Tak Lok's viewpoints in his new booklet.

but as Lui mentioned 今天,三十世代自願地或非自願地成為了進修課程...的忠實支持者 I guess that's very true of me still trying to enroll in the PS curatorial programme (after seeing 4 documenta, visited 3 Venice Biennial (included collectively in one), and just finished curating a show of 19 artists), for otherwise, maybe the institutions like HKMA won't ever see me as being a curator, with the DIY mMK.

as for when Lui mentioned that 除少數...三十世代...富家子弟...真正有實力者,人數不多,而且頂頭上司仍是戰後嬰兒. the one that immediately came to my mind is Leung Man Tao.

My problems with Lui's book come in two major issues: the division between the four generations, and the specific qualities the author ascribes to each of them.

Specifically, I find the idea of establishing the 30s from 1966-1975 too arbitrary and problematic. Unlike the first generation who parents the baby boom generation, the 30s may not be the children of the baby boom generation. The idea of the 30s as the next generation is weird to me.

May be we should split the baby boom generation into two halves: born between 1946 and 1955 the first half, and those born between 1956 and 1965 the second half. For me, much of HK's present problems can be blamed partly to the ideologies of the first half baby boom generation.

The quality specified for each generation is asserted without much evidential support. I find it very hard to agree or discuss in such an abstract manner.

This is basically what I am uncomfortable with the book. The 'he' you mentioned from the second paragraph onward should be Lui, I think, not me.
I believe Edwin comments are justified, but at the same time, Lui's too, for arbitariness and generalization have to occur somewhere for this sort of writing. I was surprised to see that it was just a small booklet at Mackie, but then when I was reading, I discover it was again written almost with a personal voice, as noted in the endnote, that the writing begun with his father passing away.
I, like reading Zhu Qi's bk, can't spot the problem within, exactly because I do not have the experience or information to check with it other than my personal account.
the 30s generation instead of exactly children of baby boom generation, they still have to encounter one another at workplace has more an impression on me. maybe lui's 30s division date has something to do with vintage year that he mentioned in the bk?

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