What is Political Art Anyway?
Incidents yesterday made me rethink what Kith said the other day, that talking about politics in art venue is pretty meaningless.

(above) a work from this year documenta.
(above) a work from this year documenta.
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According to this logic, what is meaningful to do in "art"? To glorify the modern materials & technology? To show ones talent in dealing with the tools? To reflect ones sentimental feeling through a piece of colour?? Would someone have the same question to "philosophy" & "literature"? What is meaningful to do in these fields?
If one make political art, he treats art as a medium for politics. If one make art politically, he treats politics his art medium. If one want to make a move in politics, he do politics.
Maybe what is sad in HK is: Whatever you do, no move can be made.
If one make political art, he treats art as a medium for politics. If one make art politically, he treats politics his art medium. If one want to make a move in politics, he do politics.
Maybe what is sad in HK is: Whatever you do, no move can be made.
not just not lble to move, but you'll simply got removed.
what kith meant is hence deal with the politics inside art in an art gallery exhibition if you want, but talk about real politics, that's much a waste of time.
what kith meant is hence deal with the politics inside art in an art gallery exhibition if you want, but talk about real politics, that's much a waste of time.
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