some of my friends like the decor part of the piece (hidden from view in the last picture and not depicted clearly in the sketch), which reminds me as the fuse for the dynamite.
mMK, is the short initials of mini-Museum von Kaspar, which means simply The mini-Museum of Kaspar. mMK is founded in around 1996, when I was working in the Research Insitute for the Humanities, CUHK, in my office. It utilized the bookshelf as a three storey museum, displaying works of mini-scale or reduced-size reproductions of works by different artists.
It has now moved back to my own equally tiny living appartment, in Kowloon, Hong Kong.
mMK, is sort of a personal hommage to MMK, the Museum of Modern Art in Frankfurt, under the former directorship of Jean Christopher Ammann.
Kaspar, as a person, does not really exist.
mMK is in principal open to all. Artists interested to exhibit their works here could also approach me.
My email is: