


幸運地至今未看過 熱愛基本法 的mv,只是從in-media的 殺死我吧 Kill me Pls! --fred 的標題的好奇心下,才發現此陳輝陽作曲,鄭國江填詞,李克勤梁詠琪陳慧琳主唱的恐怖歌曲.好彩速速有首重填歌詞串番轉頭的給消消氣.
不過其實上陣子,我也找來過一張題為me? we!的雙cd.有黃貫中,有恭碩良,有葉世榮,有黃耀明等,加上包以正為每張碟分別以think east!和go west!作開頭,原以為幾有瞄頭,加上有幾首曲名,叫七月之熱(angelita li)和聖誕九七(群星合唱),以為有料到,會幾玩o野,點知一聽,首聖誕九七,就可謂有熱愛基本法一半的惡頂,尤其是沒有想過這班人會和那班流行曲偶像一樣無腦.黃貫中後97的幾隻碟都唔錯吖,幾有批判控訴力,怎知會在一隻聞說2004年出街的碟中忽然這樣?出版的J-Sonic Entertainment Limited,說到自己好有音樂抱負,但單這可惜唔夠.
見到J-Sonic Entertainment Limited的label,就順便一提,不知為什麼,文化界總經常叫西九做Cultural District,或者政府有時也是,但幾次聽曾特首說,佢都清清楚楚叫這做文娛區,文化=文化(+娛樂)的思維,其實一直都才是西九的精髓,才可以市場化,我於是再查看,發現西九應全名作文化娛樂藝術區,真的慘,原來還有藝術=文娛的典範尾巴.(不知幾時,是否又會有篇文,說我把這界線絕對化的對立?唉!)

Notwithstanding the band members' mostly sexagenarian status, some of the Stones' lyrics apparently were too risque for Chinese authorities in 2003, and during negotiations for those shows, the band agreed to cull four songs from their set list - "Brown Sugar", "Honky Tonk Woman", "Beast of Burden" and "Let's Spend the Night Together". Reports say these four songs will also be omitted from April's show. (Oddly, politically suggestive songs such as "Street Fighting Man" and "Satisfaction" were not questioned by the Chinese censors.)

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