

jAspAr on jAspEr n jEspEr

it is really difficult to predict what on the blog people will be interested to respond. upon my dislike of my own name, Edwin points to a larger social phenomenon, while wo links up another artist.
Interesting my nephew has an English name I am not sure how to spell, but a common Chinese name my mom thought a bit like the chinese nun.
While talking with lc earlier, he brought to my notice, how Jasper Johns could or make sense to him as a respond to Duchamp, as a painter. This demonstrates again how so little patience I have to continue to think of art in medium based, despite what duchamp did, as tdd argues, opens up rather than closing down possibilities.
Jesper Just is one artist that I came across twice, and both times his short films leave me a very positive impression. Its stylistic overtone doesn't got me annoyed as camp, the high production value seems to serve well the intense emotion. The only thing that I have reserved for, is that I still do not know if it is addressing universality or specificity in sexual performativity, just as how a hetero likes Fredie.

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