I saw Cao Fe (don't mistaken me, I do not know her personally, at least luckily till now) at both Istanbul and Lyon opening, but not in Venice, for its opening has been a long time ago, and this is what is left of her work for me, this VB latecomer to see.
mMK, is the short initials of mini-Museum von Kaspar, which means simply The mini-Museum of Kaspar. mMK is founded in around 1996, when I was working in the Research Insitute for the Humanities, CUHK, in my office. It utilized the bookshelf as a three storey museum, displaying works of mini-scale or reduced-size reproductions of works by different artists.
It has now moved back to my own equally tiny living appartment, in Kowloon, Hong Kong.
mMK, is sort of a personal hommage to MMK, the Museum of Modern Art in Frankfurt, under the former directorship of Jean Christopher Ammann.
Kaspar, as a person, does not really exist.
mMK is in principal open to all. Artists interested to exhibit their works here could also approach me.
My email is: jaspar@ctimail3.com