

Bumping into Wall

when leaving fotan yesterday, chat with Leungpo a little about this and that. she has attended the briefing at HK Museum of Art that morning on the coming guest curator project. (I was not invited, so whether my future opinion on this is sour grape, it is up to you to decide.) Leungpo said that the guest curatorship idea has been proposed by the circle for a long time. I am not sure however if it began already in the round of protests when the museum just opened, but it does bring in the show in 2000 (which is of course not the same thing in people's mind). In the lunch meeting I attended much earlier (as noted in another entry), I did propose the museum to start a series of guest curating project, but what I have in mind, is based on the "kabinettstücke" model of the Städel (see the one that I saw here). One that is not of any full-blown scale, low budget (even with existing collection), allowing hence some experimental stuffs, without too much failure pressure on everyone's part. the success won't be any spectacle, but delicate execution and insights. What will the present model leads to, I have no clue, ask those who attended the briefing to speak out (the circle have such rights, they have this responsibility), I just hope it won't be another 004.

It is a gd remark, thought I am not that extreme, seeing the working partnership as free-lunch.
At least, I am afraid all could turn sour to me to feel that way. (Of course I am interested why I am not invited if it is because of political censorship, which however is certainly a case where nobody can tell.) So my most frontal feeling is that, like what Leung Man Tao said that evening at Queen's pier over Roundtable, how to make those invited inside speak out, and be accountable to the public is more cruical. The days where u could get people together into a joint front when the museum opened were over.

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