




what is "ylho"? :D
ylho就是Yuen-leung Ho馬,唏
yes, you are right.
He complaint once that it is not as participatory as ARThk here, so I gave him the password so he could also post things here anytime. All of you could really, if any of you like to. I don't mind.
btw, Kwan, has yishu approached u and asked for images yet?
Not yet, what's it up to?



the public discussion part of the arthk actually still exist, I just have forgotten the password for running the front page. one could always use it and draw people back in, if you like that format.
Yet I knew last year that Norman Ford also used art hk for his web discussion forum, so i thought, let him use it if he likes such a formal name, though missing the gag we play on rthk.
The most important thing I think to draw in conversation, is that after reading or writing, we learn something more, otherwise, it is pretty waste of time. But this meant doing homework, constantly for an unpaid job, and that's really difficult.
ADC has put out this new project of a criticism website, they even send me an email about it, but I think it is all a dumb planning from above again. how many critics, how long each essay, how often it appears. It has pretty big budget, esp, compare with arthk out of nothing but manpower, you know wrongheaded it is.
陳靜昕has posted earlier in response to my entry related to her writing on Tsang. I am too busy then to reply her after I found out about it. I am not against her writings, I thought always the "more people" write the better. and the "more" people write the better too. It is just my opinion on how to approach Tsang best in my (personal, nothing authorative) opinion that different from her. I respect that. But somehow, she mentioned that she has met Tsang afterward and she said the artist feel the piece ok too. To me, this might however be even more problematic to me, for I am not much interested in how the artist (really?) think, sometimes even not how they explain about their work (so called artist's intention fallacy). I rather prefer to see the pictorial ontology in her article to be her perspective reading out of Tsang's work, reflecting that she preferred to see it deep that way. And whether Tsang agrees with it or not does not really matter. Hence, I do not consider myself doing an art critic job which the arts circle so often is expecting.
看見有這樣連續的交換意見, 有點高興. 關於藝評的事, 早前藝發局有廣告邀請(一)主辦藝評網頁, (二) 提交推廣藝評計劃書. 不知道過了截止日期沒有? Jaspar或各位有興趣的, 不妨了解一下. 我曾將此事跟梁寶說過, 她表示有興趣後沒有了消息, 大概忙了其他的事. 我曾說若要我一起搞也可以談.
陳靜昕篇嘢出街後(出街後我先睇到內容),我只是send email說多謝她寫我,並說其實不曉什麽本體論,亦不是什麼本質....我們沒有met過,我亦沒有話ok唔ok,我明白她寫她的,不是寫我,寫她有所觸動的論題。

不如有習慣看mMK的朋友們都一起在此留言,mMK的stat counter都快到5,000人次了(我的website開了這麼久才得3,500)。回看這條entry的第一個意見是coffeedrinkme的無聊問題,卻帶來這麼多人留言,有人開始講話總是好事。


本篇原提到藝術的代溝情況, 頗感唏噓. Jaspar等都是7字頭中人而已. 最近我看港大美術館萬青力畫展"筆下留情", 心中也有些看著好東西逝去的感慨. 萬是中央美院的畢業生, 李可染陸儼少的入室弟子, 論水墨畫功力我以為目前香港第一, 極堪可看, 而且其畫雖不追時髦也絕不泥古, 筆端每有幽默玩味之處. 展覽至7月底止, 各位有時間有心的, 請往看看.

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