


看著丹麥報章的漫畫風波鬧大,仍不知站於那裡才對,僅是言論自由或回教原則,兩者也不盡是雙方的立場或脈絡動機,似乎爭不下.看一些網上報導文章,見到對此一種內屈的對稱言論,感覺更是殊怪.德國一個清談節目主持在解說節目中鮮有關於伊斯蘭的笑話時,說"You have to ... need the right amount of cowardice."(參sign & sight, The twelve Muhammad cartoons- A survey of the European press)至於美國的The Nation雜誌,則選以Right to Be Offended為題.

Thomas Hirschhorn其實在2005年初,就在Art Basel上發表了他的
I WILL NO LONGER EXHIBIT IN SWITZERLAND宣言,針對瑞士上議會新任的右翼議員.全文如下(highlight為我所加)

I am purposely unaccommodating. I cannot accept the newly elected Swiss Upper House of Parliament because nothing is more luxurious, nothing is more comfortable and nothing is more egocentric than to be a democrat today. Democracy is not untouchable, since our current state proves that democracy is vulnerable. The problem of democracy is that it implies its own inviolability. My intent is not to go against democracy; my intent is to go beyond democracy. I authorize myself in rashness, in blindness and headless to make a decision which requires me to go beyond myself. I want to challenge myself; I want to ask more than I demand. I don't want what's possible, I want the impossible - art does not want what's possible, art wants the impossible - I WILL NO LONGER EXHIBIT IN SWITZERLAND - in art the impossible triumphs over the possible. This is the triumph over narcissism, over depression, over resentment and over angst. I want to be inflexible because art is not consensual, art is not diplomatic. One cannot make art with unthoughtful compromises. One will accuse me of being a dreamer and unrealistic, but I just want to risk a movement with uncontrollable course and I want to assume a radical responsibility with total excess - I want to be responsible for something irresponsible and for something which destabilizes me but makes me agree with myself- I don't want to be critical, I don't want to polemicize, I want to agree with myself - for me art is a tool. A tool to confront myself with reality- art is also a resistance movement, art resists, art is neither passive nor reactive, art attacks- through my artistic work I will grapple with reality in its complexity, its density and its incomprehensibility. I will act in all its unclarity. I will be brave, I will not get lulled to sleep, I will continue to work and I will be happy. The most important thing about my Swiss exhibition boycott is, THAT I WILL DO WHAT I ANNOUNCED - One can count on it, since I do not want to become a politician. Therefore all the questions about the "how" and "where" and "when" are secondary at the moment - of primary importance are WHY. With my boycott I would like to show that there has to be an end with the creeping fascism. I know and history proves it that people like Blocher will not change even after being part of the Upper House of Parliament. To believe the opposite is naivety, blindness or stupidity. Nobody in Switzerland seems to have learned from the situation. I put Blocher, Haider and le Pen on the same level - Four years ago when Haider's party became part of the government, Robert Fleck made a plea to boycott exhibitions in Austria. I agreed with his plea and have not since 2000 accepted any exhibition invitations in Austria. - I already knew back then that we Swiss would be next in line of the European renaissance to follow anti-foreign and racist's thoughts. Now it has happened and I will therefore be persistent. In a few years, Blocher, as the highest government official, will represent Switzerland, MY COUNTRY, and this I will not accept as a Swiss.

隨後Hirschhorn在巴黎的Swiss Insitute針對瑞士的民主前景的展覽,在瑞士國內(包括國會)又引起一番討論(參相關簡報),最後更竟導致Swiss Insitute的經費被削!藝術所謂享受著的創作自由,其實往往是被框鎖在一種實際妥協受控,自我審查的空間中,將藝術創作的自由和美學的自足性掛在一起,藝術家成為怕事的鴕鳥,恐怕連公民也不如.真正的現代性的藝術自主性,其批判性的力量(張力),被受曲解與誤導.

近日電視又重播Sound of Music,懷疑其選擇為了政治出走的結局,不知不覺間會否成了我童年所吸收的政治教育重要一課.可憐當年奧地利失了手,舉家可以攀過高山逃到鄰國瑞士去,現今,卻原來那裡也好不到那裡了.

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