

that boring familiar, if not failure

missed a few recent microwave festival, but this year exhibition at City Hall again bored me almost to death. Interactive Sonic Systems' Reactable (2005) is the only one that I feel like playing with.
Do like to buy a Buddha Machine of FM3, for to open it and see if there is really a small buddha in it, if so that could be real nice. Jens Brand Global Player was not really realtime, but why this obsession with realtime anyhow? As for all those sensor driven interfaces? So what? Getting back to sensual experience? Give me a break!

This Sat & Sun, there will be LASER tag in the Victoria Harbour front by Graffiti Research Lab, which i do hope could really come up with something political or radical that for once compete and counter the brainless decoration our city is having. Look up their website, even though I find some of these graffiti artists got inside jail, (some for even seven years!) not really that optimistic what the group gonna do will be that sensitive here. If only we could submit some tag like 14K!

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