

sorry, I do not meant you, queen yr majesty!

pity couldn't see Para/Site exhibition yesterday in the parade, heard that they dismissed already when reaching Admiralty. But instead of seeing some mainland artists getting involved, do see some mainlanders coming here to protest of their local government back in China. (Luke and Tozer, both not in HK at the moment?, once mention trying to do something with mainland visitors to Hong Kong too). Do ran into Leung Po's performance, but seeing her in a celebrating mood, I like to suggest that it could be more fun if she could join in the earlier march? As for myself, originally wanted to do the protest sign in my room (which should instead be interpreted as Kabakov puts it: a room of "A man who ....") at 1a before the show open, turning it into a really activist workshop, but no time in the end. (It seems people here understand art really as "visual" art, so seldom people dare to walk into my installation and discover all the details lay in store for them.) So here is what I have finally done yesterday morning.
hommage to also the person who formulated the statement for Star Ferry!

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